viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Mean,Median and Mode

mean,median and more
Find the mean,defined as the  average of a group of numbers.To find the mean,and all the digits togeter and divide by the number of digits there are.

1) 6+3+8+11+12+5:45/6=7.5
2) 10+4+7+12+6:39/5=7.8
3) 4+4+9+13+2:32/5=6.4
4) 9+5+5+5+12+15:36/6=6
5) 2+2+2+15+14:35/5=7
6) 3+5+6+3+5+6:28/6=4.666666666666666

Find the median,defined as the middle number in a group of find the median,put the number in nimerical order and identify the middle number.

1) 12+9+9+11+5+6+8=11
2) 3+3+5+9+1+2+4=9
3) 7+3+9+8+8+10+4=8
4) 4+6+8+10+7=8

Find the more,definedas the number that accros the modt in a group of numbers. to find the mode place the number in numerical order and identify the wone that occurs the most.

1) 7+4+4+3+8+4=4
2) 9+1+2+9+2+5+2=9
3) 3+4+9+0+3+1=3
4) 11+11+4+7+4+12+4=4
5) 11+11+4+7+4+12+4=4
6) 9+10+10+3+8=10

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